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Paula Christie 

Wife, Mother, Grandmother, child of the KING!

Hello, child of God, I’m so excited and thrilled you are here!


If you are reading this, you seek to know about me and the beautiful deliverance ministry God gave me.
Welcome! My desire is to share my heart, my story, and my experiences with you. I want us to connect on a real and deep level, and truly get to know one another.

The beginning of my story finds me at a very dark and bleak time in my life. I was in an abusive relationship. It was wearing on my soul, and greatly impacting every aspect of my life- especially my sweet children. I knew in my heart that I had to get out. I had made several failed attempts to do so- but finally managed to escape with my children. This left me as a single mom of three small boys. I had no direction, little ones depending on me more than ever, and this new chapter was heavily bearing down on me. To make matters more intense, I could not make sense of the experiences I was having with the spiritual realm.


You see, I was not a follower or a believer of Christ yet. As the images and experiences in the spirit realm amplified, causing me fear- I knew I had to have relief. Our heavenly Father sought me out amidst all of that chaos and confusion. One fateful night, I fell to my knees and accepted Jesus as my savior. I surrendered all, and allowed God to start working in my life.





Fast forwarding to my next chapter: I found & married the love of my life, and we had a child together. However, these happy events did not mean that my problems were over. I was very much still fighting what felt like a losing battle with my ex-husband. Brokenness, extreme emotional fatigue, and physical exhaustion colored my life. My mama's heart was wounded by the trauma, ugliness, and manipulation that my children were consistently being dragged into. Countless court hearings, their biological dad, and CIFs became the center of our lives. I did not have answers, and I was running out of strength to keep going in this state. My children received domestic abuse counseling that did nothing to aid in their very real abuse, fear, and disrupted lives. I wanted an escape from this horrific life that I had no control over. I was ready to be with my God, not on this earth any longer.

Now angry at God, and more desperate than ever for relief, change, and healing for my whole family. I found myself in church one night, yelling and screaming at God. “How could you really love us, and allow this pain and turmoil to keep happening?!”

“What am I supposed to learn from ALL of this? It’s been years God, you have to do something!” The bright light of my cell phone abruptly caught my attention, I picked it up to see the number of a good friend on the screen. In my upset state, I did not understand why I was supposed to involve her. I felt God urging me to, so I obediently called her.


God began using two aspects of my life, to place me in front of the very people that would change my life. Bringing answers to my prayers, questions, and my cries to God for help. God used my job, along with my friend- who reached out that fateful night at the church house. I continued to fight for my biggest goal- my boy’s safety. Understanding of the spiritual world would be given to me, through the help of this new connection. The people God placed in my life, specifically for this chapter. Valuable and life changing spiritual knowledge would be shared with me.

I made the decision to go through the process of deliverance, not realizing that this was the very solution (from God) to ALL of our problems. My boys and I found complete freedom!

Now on the other side of things, I had a fresh perspective and wells of knowledge from God on exactly what I needed to do next. Our lives were changed forever, now looking back to that bondage & trauma we were free of. However, we discovered that our youngest child was still being affected spiritually. It was revealed that my husband would need to go through deliverance too in order to set both himself and our youngest son free. Praise God for full & marvelous freedom in Christ!


God’s heavenly peace drenched us, our home and every aspect of our lives. God led my next steps by speaking to me very clearly


“Set the rest of your family free! Then others too!”

I was set free not just for myself and for God’s glory- but to guide others to receiving the exact same thing! Complete freedom with Father God! God does all of the work, and I am his faithful servant.


-Paula Christie

My Mission:




Help deliver God's children from every amount of spiritual bondage knowingly or unknowingly hindering them and their God-given purpose on this earth!

Establish the framework of Identity built on Christ our foundation! 

Equip Believers with the spiritual tools to give the enemy NO ground or legal rights in theirs lives moving forward!

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